Blogging Prompt: December 1 – The Christmas Tree
Did you have a real tree or was it artificial? How big was the tree? Who decorated the tree? What types of Christmas trees did your ancestors have?
My family home was in rural Saskatchewan where there weren’t a lot of trees, other than the ones that had been planted. I remember Dad bringing home a Christmas tree every December on one of his trips into town to pick up the mail or supplies. He would have bought it at a tree lot and I honestly don’t remember being along to pick it out…ever. Maybe he knew we would agonize over the decision of finding the ‘perfect’ tree.
Most of our trees were of the Charlie Brown type and were little firs about five to six feet high. We all participated in decorating the tree with many wonderful homemade treasures. The lights were big, bright and multicoloured. Sometimes we would string garlands of popcorn or brightly coloured construction paper rings.
As for my ancestors – my grandparents certainly had similar Charlie Brown Christmas trees with wonderful homemade decorations.
When our own kids were growing up we would all go to pick out the perfect tree in the lot. If the weather was cold the decision would be quick.
Decorations were still of the homemade variety mixed with many others we had collected over the years. Last year, we committed a Christmas tree blasphemy as far as our daughter was concerned. We put up a fiber optic tree 🙂