Aumack Y-DNA Surname Project

Aumack Y-DNA Surname Project

Is your last name Aumack, Amak, Aumick, Aumock, Omick or some variation?

If so please consider participating in the Aumack Y-DNA Surname Project.


The goal of the Aumack Y-DNA Surname Project is find genetic matches to you or your family members in order to advance your family tree research.  Y-DNA testing will verify if an individual shares a surname or a paternal line.


Why choose this test?

  • Choose this test if you wish to search the paternal surname line (father’s father’s father’s line).  (In this case for surnames Aumack, Amak, Aumick, Aumock, Omick)
  • Choose this test if you are searching for direct paternal connections between men with different surnames (but have a connection to the Aumack and variants surnames) – examples: adoption, name changes, illegitimacy, fostering
  • Choose this test if searching for clues to paternal geographic or deep ancestry of your Aumack (and variants) surname.

Who to test?

A male carrying the paternal surname. Women can ask a male relative carrying the paternal surname to take the Y‐DNA test.

How many markers?

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) offers Y-DNA 12, 25, 37, 67 and 111‐marker tests.  Males are advised to test at either Y-DNA37 or Y-DNA67.

How to Join the Project

>>>Visit the Aumack YDNA Surname Project


Please leave a comment below or contact me here.  If using the contact form please put  “Aumack Y-DNA Project” in the subject line.   I’m the project administrator and would be delighted to answer any questions.

That link again:

Aumack Y-DNA Surname Project –


Author: © Joan Miller - Luxegen Genealogy.

The Luxegen Genealogy and Family History blog presents the family history stories of Joan Miller.