Autograph Books

Memories of carefree school days in the one room school. Friendships. Games. The stories started flowing as Mom and I looked at the autograph books.
Three books and over a hundred different poems. The students would collect an autograph from all of their friends, family and even the school teacher.

Inscribed in front and dated December 25, 1945 was this classic little poem.:
We ought to smile
We ought to laugh
But in this book
We autograph!

And this one dated December 26, 1942.
Dear Sis
Forget you! No I never will
As Long as I can whistle
I might forget to yell
When I sit on a thistle
Your brother
Gerald (age 6 1/2)
My grandmother wrote the following in Mom’s book December 25, 1942.
To be a friend you don’t need money
Just a disposition sunny
Just the will to help another
Get along someway or other
Just the wish to give and lend
Will make you someone’s friend
Here is a twist on a classic written by an admirer.
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue
I pity the Man,
That Marries You!
What Autograph poems and funny sayings do you remember? Please leave your comments below.