Unfortunately buildings burn down and treasures are lost. This is one such sad story.
In May of 2003 a small group of family members and myself decided to spend a day in Moose Jaw seeing the sights and playing the tourist. That meant I took photos of some of the treasures not knowing at the time that within months they would no longer exist.
We visited the former Joyner’s General Store (30 Main Street North, Moose Jaw) to see the “world’s largest operational Lamson Cash Carrier System installed in 1915.” It had over 1000 feet of track installed on three levels. (Joyner’s had closed in 1994 and became an antiques store.)
What a wonderful system! Stretching throughout the old department store it wound its way along the sides and ceiling of the rooms. In its prime it moved cash from 15 clerk stations throughout the store.

A sign prominently posted near the front of the store read:
The Cash Cable Story
Installed in 1915 by Walter Joyner, this Lamson Cash Carrier System Made in England is the world’s largest operational Cash Carrier System. The system is only one of two still remaining in the world today and the only one still in operation in North America.
This system is over a 1000 feet in length and still operates throughout all three levels as well as all three sides of the building, the cash cars travel at 22 miles per hour on the system. With 15 clerk stations, this was the quickest and most economical means of handling cash in the early years of the Joyner’s Department Store.
In 1992, the Joyner family was offered a substantial dollar for this system by Walt Disney World for their Euro-Disney, however Mr. Joyner decided to honour his late father’s wishes that requested the cable system always remain in Moose Jaw. The cable system remains in the building on lease from the Joyner family and is used now soley as Moose Jaw’s Newest Tourist Attraction.
If you would like to see the Cash Cable in operation please ask for a demonstration from the cleark in the Candy Department up front.
NOTE: This is a Free attraction and as well as any demonstrations, Donations are gratefully accepted at the front in the Large Jar for the continued upkeep and maintenance of this rare piece from our past. Thank-You.

Sadly the building burned to the ground on January 1, 2004. (Story of the fire appeared in the Leader-Post (Regina) 5 Jan. 2004.)
After the fire I felt others would be looking for photos and memories of the old store and its unique and original Lamson Cash Carrier System. I posted the photos on the web and had many people from all over the world stop by to comment.
Whether it was a walk down memory lane or reliving their childhood, I had many folks comment on their time growing up in Moose Jaw. Many had visited the store in their youth. Joyner family members stopped by expressing their gratitude for posting the photos. We also had Cash Cable System aficionados visit.
A year ago a computer server change necessitated that the photos come down and I hadn’t had time to re-post them until now, prompted by an inquiry from someone wishing to see the photos.
For more on Lamson Cash Carrier Systems.
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[Note: All photos and content subject to copyright laws are not to be used without express written permission of the author.]