It has been a busy couple of weeks with two different sets of relatives visiting. I’m catching up now and thought I’d share with you a marriage license from my great grandfather’s second marriage in Ontario and the type of information that can be found on this record. I’ve detailed the information below and have also included a photo of the record.Click on the photo to view the record.

The application to marry reads:
Required before License of Certificate is Granted by Issuer of he Marriage Licenses by Provision of The Marriage Act.
Samuel Franklin Woodland, Morrisburg Ontario in the County Dundas make oath and say as follows:
1. I and Ida P. Moore of Morrisburg Ontario in the County Dundas are desirious of entering into the Contract of Marriage, and of having our Marriage duly solemnized at the Village Morrisburg in the County of Dundas.
2. According to the best of my knowledge and belief, there is no affinity, consanguinity, prior marriage or any other lawful cause or legal impediment to bar or hinder the soleminzation of the said Marriage.
3. I, Samuel F. Woodland, have since the 1st day of May 1915 my usual place of abode within the municipality of Morrisburg in the County or District.
4. I am of the age of 46 years, and the said Ida P Moore is of the full age of 18 years.
5. I am a Widower and the said Ida P Moore is a Widow.
Sworn by me at Morrisburg in the County of Dundas this 26th day of July 1916.
Signed: S.F. Woodland
F.R. Chalmers (?), Issuer of Marriage Licenses at Morrisburg.
The left side of the marriage certificate has the following details supplied by the minister.
- Name: Samuel Franklin Woodland
- Age: 46 years
- Residence when Married: Morrisburg
- Place of Birth: Ottawa
- Bachelor or Widower: W (for Widower)
- Occupation: Mechanic
- Religious Denomination: Methodist
- Name of Father: Stewart Woodland
- Maiden Name of Mother: Eliza Godwin
- Name: Mrs. Ida P. Moore
- Age: 60 years
- Residence When Married: Morrisburg
- Place of Birth: Hull, Quebec
- Spinster or Widow: W
- Religious Denomination: Methodist
- Name of Father: Erastus E. Kellogg
- Maiden Name of Mother: Lydian Winehester
Signature of the Bridegroom: S F Woodland
Signature of Bride: Ida P. Moore
Name of Witness: Mrs (Rio) Strike Address: Morrisburg
Name of Witness: Hazel Woodland Address: Morrisburg
I certify the above named parties were married by me at Morrisburg in the county of Dundas this 26th day of January 1916. Signature A J H Thike (?) Address Morrisburg Denomination: Methodist
There is a big stamp on the upper right hand corner that is dated Jan 29 1916 Registrar General Ontario
This record provides considerable information about my great grandfather.
We are given his full name, Samuel Franklin Woodland and that his age was 46 when he applied for the marriage license in July of 1915 and when he was married in January of 1916. I also know he is a widower (not mentioned here but his first wife was killed in a horse and buggy accident when the children were quite young). I also know he is a mechanic, was a Methodist and who his parents were. I know where he is born (Ottawa) and where he resided at the time of the second marriage (Morrisburg). We also see his signature on two places on this record. One of the witnesses is Hazel Woodland (his oldest daughter from the previous marriage, although not stated here).
His new wife Ida was 14 years older than him and we learn considerable information about her as well.
One tends to chase the bloodline documentation and perhaps not spend as much time on second marriages. This document is a good example of one that gives considerable information about one’s ancestor. I suggest considering the documentation from second marriages (if applicable) as good sources of genealogy material.
© 2010 Joan Miller (Luxegen). All rights reserved.
[Source: This document was obtained by a search using a world membership of There is a 14 day free trial available if you wish to do your own search without purchasing.]