Wicklow Parish, Carleton County, New Brunswick
The Burial Location of IRA MILLER and Lucy TURNER
Ira MILLER was born on 05 Jul 1835 in New Brunswick. He married Lucy
Ann TURNER. They were married on 13 Jan 1861 in Simonds Parish, Carleton
Co., NB by Rev. C.E. Bell, East Florenceville, N.B. He died on 27 Oct 1909 in
New Brunswick (Family Bible Records).

Lucy Ann TURNER was the daughter of W.D. Turner and Elizabeth S. [Unknown]. She was born
on 25 Apr 1840 in New Brunswick. She died on 29 Nov 1907 in New Brunswick.
Ira Miller gave 2 acres off the farm to the Royalton Church in 1889. It is now called Royalton Wesleyan
Church. (Previous name was Reformed Baptist.). We Millers visited this church in 2007.

Ira and Lucy had six children: Albert, Hubert, Isadore, Ward (my husband’s gg-grandfather), Ira, Isabella.
Connections? Please comment below.
1. Family Bible Records
2. Marriage Certificate: Ira Miller of Wicklow Parish, Carleton County married a Lucy Ann Turner of
Simonds Parish on the 13th day of January 1861 by Rev. C.E. Bell. Witnesses were Charles
Miller and Amanda Jane Turner.
Photo credits: Joan Miller (c) 2009