Zooming in on Ancestors with Zoom.it

Do you want to zoom in on your ancestor photos easily?  Try Zoom.it

A recent Facebook note by Family Tree Magazine written by Lisa Louise Cooke brought Zoom.it to my attention.  Lisa credited Mark Tucker as her source for how to use zoom.it.

I thought I’d try it with one of the photos of my Great Grandmother Maria BALL.

It is easy to create a zoom.it photo.
1. take a URL of an existing photo located on the web
2. enter it into Zoom.it
3. Voila! You have a picture you can easily zoom in and out (you can then embed the link on your website).

See Mark Tucker’s post for more details.

Cool, eh?
as we Canadians would say! 🙂

P.S. Photos stored in Picasa within Gmail didn’t seem to work.

Author: © Joan Miller - Luxegen Genealogy.

The Luxegen Genealogy and Family History blog presents the family history stories of Joan Miller.